Welcome to Linux-Tomorrow! We strive to bring you the best in linux news, links and resources. Here you can find articles on the history of, and current topics on Linux. We also have lots of various downloads for linux, and a help section as well. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, Linux-Tomorrow has something for you. And if you are looking for quality web design, Linux-Tomorrow can bring your site into life. Linux-Tomorrow was founded recently by two ethical hackers who seek to spread the knowledge of linux to all computer users. We are dedicated to bringing you the best, and will settle for nothing less. You can contact us at linux@linux-tomorrow.com, or you can fill out our form. Our names? L0rd Iluvatar and CS4H. While we are hackers, our definition is quite different than the name the media has twisted. Linux was created by a hacker, and is updated, fixed, and maintained by hackers. Hackers are the most influential individuals in the creation of the Internet; without us you probably wouln't even be reading this web page, and not even own a computer. A hacker in our definition is in essence, a creator. One who creates and helps the cyberspace and computer continue to improve. A hacker also is open-source minded. This means that they provide lots of resources for free, instead of always charging a ridiculous fee. By doing this, they aid others who don't have the money to spend, and they draw markablity to themselves as well. More can be found out about open source at http://www.OpenSource.org. But what about those people who are in the news for crashing the Pentagon or stealing credi cards? These people are crackers, but the media and themselves have claimed the name of hacker. Our basic difference? Hackers create, crackers destroy. Nothing illegal is on this site, this contains no offensive content whatsoever. So why should you switch to Linux? There are a wide range of reasons that are all valid, but some of the bigger ones are: stability, readiness of free help, and of course, how can you say no to that cute little penguin? While some people feel that the real reason to use linux is anti-Microsoft, the majority of the people using linux find out that there are much better reasons for using it other than getting rid of Windows. Almost all of people who have installed linux are much happier with it than they thought the'd be. And with the develpment of new software, the majority of programs designed for Windows will now become Linux compatable. And you can get Linux for absolutly nothing! Programs and plug-in's will cost you some cash, but nothing compared to Windows. There are many different "flavors" of Linux, and non in particular stand out in all areas. Linux-Tomorrow personally perfers RedHat, but it is all a matter of opinon. RedHat probably has one of the best windows environments for linux, but there are many other versions that are equally robust. Slackware and Deisbin are among the many other flavors out there. Start with RedHat, and then try several others. Stick with the one you feel suits you best. And if worst comes to worst, you can always re-install Windows. However, back up, back up, back up! Be forewarned that the linux installation process is quite feared, so find out everything you can about your system before installation. Take heart however, after the installation it's all clear sailing. |
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