
Rec. Math





Christian MP3 Links

MP3 files are very popular for a simple reason: the provide almost CD sound quality, yet take up only a few megabytes of space. A full CD track copied into a file would take up probably about thirty to forty megabytes of space, but a good MP3 file takes up only about two to six megabytes of space. Yet there is a very small amount of distortion in an MP3 file, so minute it is practically impossible to detect with the human ear.

This has made MP3s an extremely popular format for transmitting music through the internet, because a full MP3 song (comparable to an entire CD track) can be downloaded in about ten to twenty minutes with a 28.8kps modem. Unfortunately, this has provided a convenient way to pirate (illegally copy) CD music. Though there are lots of legal MP3s on the internet, there are also numerous illegal MP3 files available.

Thankfully, it has become easy to find legal MP3s through services like MP3.com, which keep archives of legal music available for downloading. The artists themselves upload the songs to MP3.com, so that everything happens legally. Also, as far as I know all the websites linked to from this page contain only legal MP3s. However, if you should find any websites that I have linked to contain illegal MP3 files, please write to me and tell me which webpage contains illegal MP3s.

There's one more thing about this page; it's dedicated to Christian MP3s. These MP3s are Christian music, and if you find that some of the MP3s are not Christian or contain profanity, please e-mail me. Now for the links:

the echoing green's MP3.com webpage

My favorite band's page on MP3.com. the echoing green is a superb electronica band with a wonderful lead singer Joey Belville. You can visit the echoing green's homepage at http://www.echocentral.com for some Real Audio clippings from more of their songs.
Link added: 12/9/99.

Fold Zandura's Homepage

The homepage of a great techno band. You can find the MP3s by clicking on one of the CD cover pictures across the top of the webpage, then on the link that says lyrics and mp3s. From there, click on an MP3 to download it.
Link added: 12/9/99.

I know there's not many links yet. But hey, I only started this page 12/9/99. You'd better add this page to your bookmarks so you can come back soon. And if you find any links you think should be included on this site, e-mail me at CS4H@saintmail.net.

Robbie – CyberServant4Him