
Rec. Math





     In my spare time, I like to dabble in my least favorite school subject - math. This may seem weird, but there's a big difference between school curriculums, and exploring math for yourself. Besides, most of the time I make the computer do the math, which is easier than doing it myself.

     Two of my favorite recreational math games are John Conway's Life, and Core Wars. Click on either link for more information.

     Also, I have two programs I have written in C that are available for download. Each requires DOS 3 or higher. Essentially, they run on just about any DOS or Windows PC. If they don't work on your's, e-mail me and I'll see if I can fix it.

  • Lisajouss - A small Lisajouss program (lisajous.zip)
  • Life - A life engine with many special commands: a built-in agar, design reloading, etc. For more information about Life, see below. (life.zip)

I'll admit it, this section of my webpage needs work. But I will work on it, Lord willing.