linux tomorrow: download Central - Linux Kernels
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download Central – Linux Kernels

These are the actual Linux. More information and comparisons will be available at a later time.

Choosing a Linux kernel can be confusing. If you're not very good with computers, but want Linux for the reasons we've given on our webpage, either Caldera, Debian, or Corel Linux will probably work for you. If you're the power user who really thinks they can handle the install and want a great kernel, Red Hat rules! We'll be putting more specific information up later.



This Linux kernel has been around for a while. It's supposedly incredibly simple to install – so simple that they included Tetris for you to play while it installs!

Red Hat

This is the business version of Linux. Available for free, or you can buy the commercial version and get 30-days of tech support and priority access to their FTP server.

Red Hat includes the Apache server system, which allows you to use a dedicated computer and phone line as a webserver. Red Hat also includes tons of extra window managers, tools, programming compilers, etc. Very cool for the advanced computer user.


More on this later. This is a test. Testing. Testing table settings. Continue tests. More tests. Almost finished. Did it work?

Corel® Linux® OS

Wow, this is a new one to me! Corel's version of Linux...interesting. Corel is now well known among Linux users for graciously giving away several of their top notch graphics and design programs for free in Linux versions. We'll have to follow the success of Corel Linux...more later.

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