Hey, this is starting to look like a real webpage! This webpage is (right now) a batch of links to webpages that have information useful in a debate concerning the 16th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. BTW, have any links you want to share? Please send them to me at CS4H@saintmail.net; and if you want, a short little review of the webpage. National Taxpayers Union http://www.ntu.org A lot of affirmative evidence! This looks like a good site. If you don't like their site, check out their links sections for dozens of links to other tax related webpages. Taxgate.com: Income Tax Law Web Site http://www.taxgate.com/ An incredible wealth of articles with titles such as "We Must Keep the IRC" and "Save the Tax Code...". However, choose your evidence from this site carefully. To start finding evidence, scroll down to the "Search within the Taxgate site for:" input box, and enter just about any thing having to do with income taxes. Then wait until the webpage has loaded and scroll down until you see the table with a whole bunch of article titles in it, then click on one of them. An interesting site to get you thinking. Deceptive IRS Code words http://igps.org/liveround/patriot/irsscam.html An article showing how the IRS code was structered to scam people into believing they must pay income taxes. IRS Income Taxes Are Not What You Think! http://igps.org/liveround/patriot/irs.html Short little article that looks like it has some good information. One of the main points is that taxes were not originally intended to pay for government services! Very interesting... Policy Analysis: The Hidden Burden of Taxation: How the Government Reduces Take-Home Pay http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa-302.html A 24 page report on the income tax riddled with graphs and charts. Produced by the Cato Institute. Or, get the 1 page synopsis by clicking here. HSLDA Debate HomepageOf course I had to stick this here. HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association) is the founder of this debate league. For information on this years resolution and last years winners, check it out. iCeD mAnGo TeA's Debate WebpageThis is where you can get Chris Jueb's book on debate. I haven't visited it too much beyond that. Tax Links (16th Amendment)This was one of the first sites I found when I was researching this years resolution. Nothing fancy, just a few links to other income tax related webpages. The History of the Sixteenth AmendmentThis is a great six page paper on the history of the 16th Amendment put out by The Patrick Henry Foundation for Common Law Studies. The Heritage FoundationThis looks like another popular site this year. The Heritage foundation has published a book entitled The IRS V. The People: Time for Real Tax Reform covering various statistics and ideas for tax reform. Great research book, and it even has a submission by Michael Farris! The Heritage Foundation also has a page that explains and rates major tax reform plans. Brookings InsituteA great "think-tank". To find 16th Amendment related documents, try their search engine. Cato InstituteAnother "think-tank". Legal Information InstituteAll the legal documents you ever wanted! Well, not quite, but many legal documents sorted into groups. Also, the text of the Constitution, U.S. Title Code, and many other critical legal documents. That's all I have right now. Please e-mail me at CS4H@saintmail.net if: